Home » Birthstone Goddesses Series » Lady of February

Lady of FebruaryLady of February

The Lady of February bears Violets and Primroses and dons the stone of Amethyst.  The Violets represent faithfulness and undying devotion. The Amethyst will bring her wisdom, clarity, and serenity.

She ushers in a time of purification, blessings, and the ending of Winter’s reign.


Lady of February

Original Available!
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10×20 inches, watercolors and ink with genuine 22k gold leaf accents.

Artist’s Comments:  The Lady of February draws inspiration from Saint Brigid, whose feast day falls in this month, and from the Celtic goddess of her namesake.  The goddess patronizes healing, poetry, and smithcraft, with many leaving offerings and ribbons at wells in her honor.

It is this month that many bless wax candles for prosperity in the new year.  This Lady’s low-burning crown signifies winter’s end, a carryover from Lady of December’s crown of candles which are glowing strong to endure winter’s darkness.

Learn more about the creation of this piece:

Sketch Diary | Process Video Tools & Materials



Lady of February Mandala